Further Tips for setting your goals

Goals setting

Express your goals positively, rather than ... “Don’t make this mistake”

Set precise goals, stating dates, times, and amounts so you can measure

Set Priorities - When you have several goals, give each a priority. This helps avoid feeling overwhelmed by having too many goals and helps to direct attention to the most important goals.

Write down goals - this crystallizes them and gives them more force

Keep operational goals small - keep goals small and achievable. If a goal is too large, it can seem like progress is not being made toward your goal.

Set performance goals, not outcome goals - Set goals you have as much control over as possible. It can be dispiriting to fail to achieve a personal goal for reasons beyond your control!

Set Realistic Goals - Don’t underestimate yourself! It’s important to set challenging goals that are realistic and achievable. It’s possible to set goals that are too difficult to achieve because you didn’t realize the obstacles to overcome. That’s okay, regroup and reset new goals with the new information.

Use a computer, white board, notebook, or poster board and create a goal list. Create a vision board or a collage... whatever works for you... just do it.

Read about vision boards and why they work